caetani centre
The Caetani Centre is a vibrant multi-disciplinary arts, culture and heritage organization. Join us for guest speakers, music concerts and performances, or sign up for youth and adult programs.
HERITAGE TOURS ~ Explore the secrets and rumours of our 125 year old Caetani heritage house with an intriguing and disturbing history. A distinguished aristocrat and scholar from an ancient royal Italian family dating back over a thousand years… The beautiful young mother… Their creative young daughter held a prisoner in her own home for over 25 years. Is it haunted? You be the judge! Join us for a tour back in time and bring your tablets, phones, and earbuds for an immersive digital experience! Please check our website for hours and tour times.
ARTIST & WRITER RESIDENCIES ~ Stay at the Caetani Centre residences and studios to create in the beautiful Okanagan! Experience the lakes, mountains, award winning wineries, hiking, skiing – an artist’s paradise. We offer live/work spaces at affordable rates featuring private rooms and studios, with shared common areas. Apply online on our website
Connect with Caetani Centre:
3401 Pleasant Valley Road, Vernon BC V1T 4L4 | 250-275-1525