
If you are interested in becoming an investor in arts and culture in the North Okanagan there are many opportunities to give.
Donations of over $20 are eligible for a charitable tax receipt and can be done right here on our site, or, in person.
ACNO Legacy Fund
Through fundraising and donations, the Arts Council is building a sustainable legacy fund to enable us to provide financial support to our members in the future. This long-term initiative will strengthen the arts and culture community in our area.
Becoming a Program Sponsor is another great way to contribute to your community and support the Arts Council. The following programs that we operate at the Vernon Community Arts Centre are some of those currently in need of funding support.
To learn more about these essential services and discuss sponsorship opportunities, please contact Executive Director, Gale Woodhouse, at [email protected] or call 250-542-6243.
Joining Hands
Joining Hands is an arts program offered free of charge to adults living with diverse abilities. Supported with funding from Gaming BC.

Spring Break Camp
Spring Break Camps at the Vernon Community Arts Centre offer arts education to children of all ages, and take place for two weeks every Spring.

Summer Break Camp
Summer Break Camps at the Arts Centre offer arts education to children of all ages throughout the 7 weeks of Summer. Sponsorship for these camps helps to keep them affordable for families and all those wishing to attend.

Planned Giving is often descirbed as “leaving a legacy” because planned gifts are created to make an impact for future generations.
It is surprisingly easy to arrange a planned gift and we are happy to help answer answer any questions you may have. Though more sophisticated gifts will require more care, many methods are quite straightforward. Whatever the method, you can plan your gift to maximise your objectives. A Planned Gift can:
- give you a tax advantage (often the tax benefits are quite substantial)
- fit appropriately with your estate plans and concerns for heirs
- compliment your lifestyle goals
- match your wish to leave a legacy to the cause you care about.
Planned Gifts can be made easily and securely through the Community Foundation of the the North Okanagan or, through Canada Helps.

Donations of any amount can easily be made here on line, or, in person at the Vernon Community Arts Centre. Donations of $20 are more are eligible for a tax receipt.
If you have questions, are interested volunteering your time, or would like to know more about how you can get involved in supporting the Arts Council, please contact us at [email protected] or call 250-542-6243.
From everyone here at the ACNO, we thank you for your continued support. Our sponsors, benefactors, volunteers, and other community partners make it possible for us to give back and support our community.