Vernon Photography Club
The Vernon Photography Club is an active, friendly group of photographers. Our members include beginners, experts, and everyone in between, using every type of camera from cell phone to SLR and the new mirrorless options. A variety of image editing computer programs are employed by members to enhance the artwork they create.
Our mission is to inspire members to share and learn about photography in a fun, inclusive and encouraging atmosphere. We do this through a variety of meetings, workshops, events, and photo shoots organized by our members for our members.
Our club is a member of the Canadian Association for Photographic Arts and we have performed well in many of the competitions.
We meet at Vernon Community Arts Centre on the 2nd and 4th Thursday each month from September to June, so stop in and say hello!
Connect with the Photography Club:
c/o Vernon Community Arts Centre
2704A Hwy, Vernon BC V1T 5G5